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Hiring a Doula is an Investment

You've researched all of the wonderful ways that a birth doula can support your family and scouted out some local doulas. But in the back of your mind, you (or your partner) might be expressing some hesitancy about the costs...

Why are doulas so expensive?

Is it really worth the money?

We get it. In fact, those same thoughts went through my mind when I was pregnant with my daughter. Let's talk about why doula support costs what it does and the reasons why you should consider doula services an investment rather than an extra cost.

Training & Cost of Business

Our Modern Mama doulas are professionally trained and certified doulas and we are proud of the educational background of our doula team. It is our goal to never stop learning and seek ways to expand our knowledge which means that you have the most up-to-date information.

As business owners, we charge a rate that is sustainable to allow us to focus fully on our clients. Our rate allows us to do the work we love and support our clients.

24-Hour Support

While the majority of your fee pays for the in-person support at your birth and post-partum visits, your doula is on call for you 24/7. Being on call 24/7 means that your doula is available to you day or night. When you go into labour, you are her top priority -- she arranges childcare, misses family or holiday gatherings and other planned events to come to you. She puts her life on hold to be there for your most important moments. From the time you hire your doula, she is available for questions, resources and support. The peace of mind that comes with having a professional and committed doula on call for you is priceless.

Emotional Support

Labour and birth are intense. As involved (or not) as your partner chooses to be, it is difficult to do it all. Holding space for your emotions plus their own is challenging. As is trying to remember everything you learned in your childbirth preparation class. With a doula by your side, must of the pressure will be relieved, allowing space for your partner to be present in the ways you have chosen as a family.

Education & Information

Books, blogs, articles, and all the advice (requested or not) from friends and family can be overwhelming at times. Hiring a doula is like having an on-call expert for all of your birth and baby related questions. While your doula isn't a medical professional and doesn't know everything, her knowledge and expertise is invaluable.

Need more information for your partner? Check out this article New Dad's Advice: Just Hire a Damn Doula!

Tips for Making Things Work Financially

- Contact us early! Our typical fee schedule includes 50% due at contract signing and 50% due at 38 weeks of pregnancy. However, we are happy to discuss alternate payment plans.

- Raise funds. Set up a doula registry at your baby shower or mother-blessing and ask people to contribute to your doula cost rather than buying gifts.

- Less experienced doulas typically have lower fees. For a full list of local doulas, visit Doulas of Regina.

- If there’s no way you can pay for birth support, check out the Doulas of Regina Relief Fund.  They pay for doulas to attend the births of women who qualify based on financial need.

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